Diary of a Muzungu has crossed from Uganda into Rwanda by road.
UPDATE. May 14th 2022. Hooray! I have crossed the Katuna / Gatuna border; it was very easy.
People entering Rwanda may still be subject to random COVID-19 testing by the Ministry of Health upon entry. However, I didn’t even have to show my vaccination certificates or wear a mask either. Very few people were wearing masks at Gatuna. You don’t have contact tracing if you cross by land borders (no need to fill in a Passenger Locator Form).
Key info: anyone traveling through Kigali International Airport must have a negative PCR test result 72 hours before travelling (no change). This applies even if you are in transit. You also need to fill in a Passenger Locator Form to land in Rwanda. All departing Rwandans must be vaccinated.
Curfew is well and truly lifted. Citizens and Rwandan citizens must be fully vaccinated to access public places (including public transport, but are they checking?) You don’t need to wear a mask in public anymore.

On Monday 30th of January 2022, Rwanda reopened the land border with Uganda at Gatuna / Katuna after a 3-year closure. Other Rwanda land borders reopened on March 7th. I’ve missed my cross-border bus journeys! However, very few people have travelled between Uganda and Rwanda yet this year. Initially it appeared that the Gatuna border only reopened for trade and for nationals of the two countries. The video “advises against non-essential travel.” Unfortunately, tourism must fall into that category. Rwanda Uganda border reopens after three years.
UPDATE: March 5th I met an American passport-holder who travelled by bus from Kigali to Gatuna. She was one of only five people who crossed. She took the bus from Kigali, crossed by foot and then caught a private hire taxi to Kabale.
In recent years it’s been common for international tourists to travel to Uganda and Rwanda on one safari itinerary. During the last three years, few people have been able to do this, unless they have flown into Entebbe (Uganda) and Kigali (Rwanda) International Airports (lockdown measures not withstanding!) Many Ugandans and Rwandans have family both sides of the border.

I am monitoring the situation and updating this blog regularly.
#ExploreUganda #VisitRwanda
February 18th 2022
UGANDA-RWANDA RELATIONS: Minister Oryem clarifies some unresolved issues
The Katuna border between Uganda and Rwanda will take more time to fully open as the government fast tracks efforts to meet the conditions that were set by the Rwanda government. Speaking to NTV, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Okello Oriem said that Uganda needs to come up with a law that would enable the government to treat suspects fleeing Rwanda as criminals and hand them over or deport them. This is after Rwanda complained that some of the fugitives run into Uganda and are given a safe haven as they hatch missions to destabilize Rwanda.
Today’s Monitor newspaper said that a Volcanos bus from Kigali was the first passenger vehicle to cross into Uganda at Katuna. However, there was a wait of 4 hours or more while PCR tests were carried out. All the passengers tested negative for COVID-19.
Hello, how is the situation now? I would like to cross at Mirama Hills/Kagitumba by bicycle in summer 2023.
Hi Torge
Thanks for your query. Essentially, everything is getting easier all the time. Phew! Friends crossed last week. Let me chat to them and get back to you with an update.
Is the whole trip by bike? Where else will you visit?
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Charlotte AKA the muzungu 🙂