Comments on: #RwenzoriDiary week 6 – Kilembe revisited Uganda & East Africa Travel blog Tue, 05 Sep 2023 05:23:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: the muzungu Sun, 24 Jan 2021 10:00:45 +0000 I’m proud of the “Rwenzori, Mountains of the Moon” logo that our team developed as part of the rebranding and marketing of the Rwenzori region for the Uganda Tourism Board.
We took inspiration from the colours of the vibrant Rwenzori Turaco.
Saving the Rwenzoris is a World Wildlife Fund Uganda project that aims to conserve the mountain through creating local tourism jobs.
The Saving the Rwenzoris video was created by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in Uganda through the “Sustainable Financing of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park” project.
This project identified tourism development as one of the sustainable conservation financing mechanisms that contributes to improved incomes and poverty reduction for the rural populations in the foothills of the Rwenzori.

By: the muzungu Thu, 10 Aug 2017 11:44:47 +0000 In reply to Dan.

Gosh how interesting to read your recollections.
I bet it was cold swimming in that river! I dipped my toes in the river below Ruboni Community Camp – such beautifully clean, clear water – but OMG was it COLD! Straight from the glacier I guess…

By: Dan Thu, 10 Aug 2017 08:36:13 +0000 I grew up there too… I was there a month ago (in July) to visit the house we grew up in and see how badly the place was by devastated by the floods. The pictures bring back profound memories… swimming in the river, going to Bulembia School in blue and white uniforms, playing games in the different streets, and inter-street fights. Nostalgia…

By: the muzungu Tue, 08 Aug 2017 08:38:55 +0000 In reply to Daniel Nsibambi.

How fascinating Daniel!
We could certainly see how once upon a time this would have been quite a place to live and work. Although mostly dilapidated, the prefab construction was rather interesting with coloured glass windows. We did visit on a rather drab and overcast day. The boulder-strewn countryside and washed-up buildings don’t help the appearance of the place. However, when the clouds part, there are tantalising views of Portal Peaks! That’s what we were therefore after all…

By: Daniel Nsibambi Mon, 07 Aug 2017 13:54:07 +0000 I have strong memories about Kilembe having been there to work on my first job in the bank as a young impressionable lad. Then in March 1974 the copper mines were in full swing; the town was so vibrant and to many Ugandans and expatriate community it was the place to be. A mix of bad politics and wrong economics however took its toll over the years and Kilembe started crumbling, losing its shine together with other parts of the country. Since the copper and other minerals are still there, Kilembe patiently awaits another renaissance. Thanks to you Charlotte and your team for playing a part in this long arduous journey.
