KAMOTOGA was founded in 2020 with experienced men and women of different educational backgrounds whose hobby is tourism.
- Training of tour guides in development skills
- First aid and emergency response
- Transport services to tourists
- Tour guiding
- Hand craft development
- Community services
- Education programs and resource adults
- Emergency services
- Transportation
- General assistances

Kasese Mountain Tour Guides Association (KAMOTOGA) is a Community-based organization (CBO), operating in Kasese since 2020 and envisions to extend to the entire Rwenzori region of western Uganda. KAMOTOGA works to strengthen guiding skills and services to tourists within Rwenzori region and Uganda in general. KAMOTOGA is also known as Rwenzori Mountain Tour Guides Association.
KAMOTOGA’s approach arises from the ideal that community tourism development, when done properly, can have a significant impact on people’s lives and the welfare of entire communities.
The KAMATOGA model advocates for a greater investment in Environmental Conservation, people and their capacity for creating real change while ensuring the sustainability of their development efforts.

KAMOTOGA’s Objectives
- To become a body that will offer knowledge to tour guides and transform them for a better future.
- To strengthen community demand for quality tourism development with the capacity to solve their own life challenges in relation to nature.
- To carry out mobilization and sensitization on existing social issues for a participatory rural community development.
- To work for the promotion to access to quality tourism services within Kasese District, Rwenzori region and Uganda at large.
- To empower the youths and tour guides with life skills and foster their participation in development issues.
KAMOTOGA’s Core Values
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Equity
KAMOTOGA’s Programme Activities
- Improving literacy levels among tour guides
- Promoting participation of tour guides in tourism education learning.
- Revitalizing the retention and participation rates of girl-tour guides in learning centre
- Promote all initiatives aimed at improving services offered by female tour guides by enforcing the affirmative action.
- Promoting entrepreneurship skills development
- Promote gender and family positive cultural practices.
- Conservation of the natural environment
Kasese Mountain Tour Guides Association (also known as Rwenzori Mountain Tour Guides Association). KAMOTOGA was recognized officially in 2022. The headquarters are in Kasese town, Uganda.
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